Kansas City has been busy revamping the sewer mains and pipelines in order to thwart the problematic sewer overflows. Before this, a comprehensive water main replacement program was launched which included a detailed plan. Mainly, to keep the 2,800-mile water main matrix working up to better standards. In years’ past, the city had experienced over 1800 water main breaks. Currently, the program is anticipating the replacement of the sewer pipelines in a process time of up to 30 miles a year. Due to drought concerns, the city is also keeping water-saving tactics at the forefront of this initiative. In conjunction with addressing water main stability, the additional sewer rehabilitation project is well underway.
Did you know that the city uses dye, or essentially food coloring, to test the efficiency of the sewer system? This is done on a daily basis to prevent sewer overflows and basement backups. Interestingly, red dye is used to confirm the location of a service line to a property. Green is used for cave-ins and sinkholes and also in storm drains, which may lead to a common sighting of green dye in the local stream or creek.
Sewer advisory just in…the city has alerted residents in the area near 200 W. 94th Street of a sewer overflow. At the time of the incident, the overflow was ongoing and spilling less than one-half gallon per minute. The manhole and sewer are located on the bank of Dyke Branch Creek. Wastewater has entered the creek but has been contained by repair and bypass pumping.
Kansas City, Perma-Liner Industries would like to invite you to our exciting summer event! If you missed our Open House this month in California, no worries! Come to our Delaware Open House next month! Stay tuned for all of the details. It’s taking place from July18th-20th. We want to see you there, and as always, we’ll have our experienced crew demonstrating equipment and all the latest in CIPP. Make a plan to attend and see you then!