Do you ever wonder what tasks your Sewer Maintenance Department perform and how it operates? The city of Hutchinson, for instance, has a staff of 11 people who are responsible for keeping infrastructures maintained and working properly. The specific tasks include taking customer’s requests, construction maintenance, cleaning maintenance, inspections and evaluations of the sewer systems. Maintenance activities include inspection, cleaning, flushing, and repairs of the approximately 240 miles of sewer lines and over 5,200 manholes. The majority of the city is served by gravity sewer lines ranging in pipe size from 6 to 48 inches in diameter. The majority of the sewer pipe is 8-inch diameter and is typically considered to have a lower volume of water. Sometimes there is not enough water discharged by homes and businesses to keep solids and debris flowing downstream. The Sewer Maintenance division cleaning crews use the flush trucks to flush water into the sanitary system through the manholes. There are approximately 70 miles of storm sewer pipes and well over 3,000 manholes, inlets, and catch basins to maintain.
The construction maintenance crew has 2 main responsibilities: repair and replace existing sanitary lines, repair and replace existing manholes. On occasion, they install short segments of new sanitary sewers for city owned projects. The construction maintenance crew’s responsibilities are basically the same as they are for the sanitary sewers… repair and replace existing storm pipe, basin, and inlet infrastructure. The construction crews use their wide variety of skills in the same manner to complete repairs and replacement of storm infrastructure. Using equipment such as backhoes and skid steers, reading blueprints, determining and maintaining grades or elevations, carpentry, laying brick, and pouring concrete are just a few of the skills. It takes teamwork, dedication and know-how to keep the sewer systems operating efficiently.
Save the Dates: Perma-Liner Industries has a lineup of events for you to attend! All are invited to come to one, or if you’re adventurous, all of our LIVE DEMOS coming up in April and May. You can go to to register and find out more but first…here are the dates and locations to save: We’ll be in Seattle April 27th, Chicago May 4th and Philadelphia May 18th. You can expect to have our knowledgeable staff showing you the latest CIPP technology. We want to see you there!